
Jumat, 13 September 2013



    Question words(kata-kata Tanya) disebut relative pronouns (kata ganti penghubung). Relative pronouns usually use to adjective clauses (anak kalimat yang berupa kata sifat). Perhatikan penggunaan relative pronouns (kata ganti penghubung berikut) :
  1. WHO(yang) digunakan untuk orang sebagai subjek, examples :
  • A pilot is a person who flies an airplane.
  • The man who own that store come from China.
  • The woman who is sitting next to me come from Texas, USA.


  1. WHOM(yang) digunakan untuk orang sebagai objek, examples :
  • The man to whom I talk to very honest.
  • The girl whom I met yesterday had left for Europa.


  1. WHOSE(yang …-nya) digunakan untuk orang untuk menunjukan kepemilikan, example :
  • The man whose house is facing to the sea work for a foreign private company.


  1. THAT(yang) digunakan untuk orang atau benda, examples :
  • The movie that I show last night wasn't interesting.
  • The topic that Professor Simon wrote is very difficult.
  • This is the best film that I have ever seen.


  1. WHICH(yang) digunakan untuk benda untuk menunjukkan suatu pilihan, example :
  • The car which he broke last night is being repaired.

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